Be FIT , Fabulous & FREE 
 . . .  in Mind, Body, Soul & Pocket !

"Commit to yourself
and to helping
others prosper."


Welcome. Perhaps you've come to this corner of cyberspace out of curiosity from a conversation we've had or a link through a link in search of an answer, a solution to a problem you might be encountering. However you got here, I'm glad you came. 
There's much to explore in this world and this landing pad is here to help serve and support you along your journey.

As part of our work together, in all 
Programs and Services  
we will each play in the roles of giver and receiver, guiding one another along the way.  
Besides money, this is an investment of time, energy, and commitment. These investments are offerings unto themselves to be treasured and regarded highly. They will allow for spiritual growth, physical changes or simply pleasure. 
Allow us to be part of your journey of learning & realization while reaching your goals.

Please note:
 If you send an email, do call (and leave a message) or send a text to check for it since emails can get lost in the mix, stuck in spam, or never make it to the inbox.


*The fine print (disclaimer): 
You are fully responsible for partaking in any program or service offered. It may be best to consult with your health care provider before beginning.*

With that being said… 
It’s your health. Listen to your body, mind and soul. Proceed peacefully.  
Enjoy your journey!
OM Shanti – Namaste

  • Are you interested in creating, designing, & producing your own workshop, class, or event ... and need/want help making it happen?
  • Looking for an additional stream of income by offering top-of-the-line nutritional products and supplements?

*    *    *    *

Services, Products, or a Consultation:
Call, text or email:
(917) 443-9612

(Note: The physical offerings are primarly NYC based at this time. However any program can be customized for anywhere.)

A Key Question * 
How does one maintain a state of well-being without going overboard while trying?

* My Answer *  
Through our programs of combining meditation, yoga, dance and nutrition, a holistic synergy is achieved for the mind, body and soul.
In doing so, a unique journey of growth can be achieved.

Our goals are to help you be a as clear and strong as possible.
You indulge and we work on the bulge though daily focusing, endurance and other healthful practices.

As a single parent of two budding teen boys, being actively involved in their education, having home schooled, embarked on the college process while building a practice in New York City,

coaching, consulting, teaching, creating and producing projects and programs...

I understand being "on-go" and trying to "find balance".  Knowing ways to ground, shift and regroup almost instantly is crucial for surviving 
and thriving day to day. These moments thrust me more deeply into wanting to understand more about myself and those around me.  How we connect, communicate, and make decisions for our lives speaks volumes to our existence. 

When I explore these aspects with my clients, I refer to yogic philosophy. The word "yoga" means union.

It is the way to live...bringing ALL aspects of se

lf into simultaneously being. 

It's an ongoing process. It's a project.

Hailing from a world within a world of entertainment I've encountered  many people along the pathways living toxic lifestyles that just weren't for me. Being exposed to these and more positive environments, I've been able to live a life with a heavier influence of well doings for my body, mind and soul. Just about everywhere we turn we witness how much we are living in a toxic soup. From the air we breathe, to the food we eat, to the thoughts we think… toxicity is all around and within.

I've always made it known how I've exposed myself to various disciplines and trainings such as yoga, mediation, vegetarianism, cleansing, coaching and several other therapies and modalities in search of self-healing and growth spiritually, emotionally, physically and financially. 
Because of this I became the "go-to" person on many projects for something having to do with health.

My business practice has holistically developed over time combining from these various disciplines to bring you what’s Best for You. 
My team and I are drawn to helping people reach their goals. 
Understanding what motivates us, taking steps to overcome obstacles and having some help along the way is crucial for success. In essence, along with our trainings, my creating and producing background comes to the forefront for you.

Best wishes on your journey!  
Damaris Luz Mercado